CA Gateway requires a digital certificate for securing communications between the CA Gateway and authorized clients. See below to generate this certificate for a production environment.

The certificate must contain the server's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as a DNS type Subject Alternative Name (subjectAltName) extension.

Generating the server key pair

To generate the server key pair, run the following command.

keytool -genkeypair -alias <ALIAS> -dname <DN> -keyalg <KEYALG> -keysize <KEYSIZE> -sigalg sha256WithRSA -ext san=dns:<DNS> -keystore <KEYSTORE> [-keypass <KEYPASS>] [-storepass <STOREPASS>]

See the following table for a description of each flag.




An alias for the key pair.


The DN for the key pair (and later, the certificate). Use the DN format expected by the CA that will issue the certificate.


The algorithm for the key pair (for example, RSA).


The Key size. Select a secure key size (for example, 2048).


The DNS-type value of the Subject Alternative Name (subjectAltName) extension.


The full path of the keystore file. If the keystore does not exist, the keytool utility will create it.


The password of the private key. When you omit this option, the tool prompts for a password.


The password for the keystore. When you omit this option, the tool prompts for a password.

Obtaining the key pair CSR

Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) by entering the following command:

keytool -certreq -alias <ALIAS> -file <FILE> -storetype pkcs12 -keystore <KEYSTORE> [-storepass <STOREPASS>]

For example:

> keytool -genkeypair -alias example_alias -dname "cn=CA Gateway,ou=CA Entry,o=Example,c=US" -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg sha256WithRSA -ext -keystore /CAGW/config/keystore.ks
> keytool -certreq -alias example_alias -file /tmp/cagw/cagw_csr.txt -keystore /CAGW/config/keystore.ks

See the following table for a description of each option.




The alias previously specified when Generating the server's key pair.


The full path of the CSR file.


The full path of the keystore file.


The password of the keystore. When you omit this option, the tool prompts for a password.

Obtaining the server certificate

Issue the certificate with either:

  • Your Security Manager CA.
  • A trusted certificate provider such as the Entrust Certificate Services at

Importing the server certificate into the keystore

Import the certificate into the keystore:

keytool -importcert -alias <ALIAS> -file <FILE> -keystore <KEYSTORE>

For example:

keytool -importcert -alias example_alias -file /tmp/cagw/cagw_cert.p7b-keystore /home/myuser/cagw/config/keystore.ks

See the following table for a description of each option.




The alias previously specified when Generating the server's key pair.


The full path of the PKCS #7 file containing the certificate and the certificate chain.


The full path of the keystore file.

Importing CA certificates into a truststore

For each managed Certificate Authority, CA Gateway requires the following certificates.

CA type

Required certificates


The self-signed root CA certificate.


The complete CA certificate chain, from the subordinate CA certificate up to the root CA certificate.

Import these certificates in either:

  • The Truststore used when Importing the server certificate into the keystore.
  • A new Truststore.

To import a CA certificate into a truststore using the Java keytool utility, run the following command.

keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias <ALIAS> -file <FILE> -keystore <KEYSTORE> [-storepass <STOREPASS>]

For example:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias managed_ca1 -file /tmp/cagw/managed_ca1.cer -keystore /home/myuser/cagw/config/keystore.ks

See the following table for a description of each parameter.




The alias of the CA certificate.


The full path of the CA certificate file.


The full path of the Java keystore file. If not present, the keystore is created.


The password of the Java keystore. When you omit this option, the tool prompts for a password.

Reusing the PKI Hub TLS certificate

As TLS certificate for CA Gateway, you can use the same TLS server certificate described in Replacing the default TLS certificate