Generate the SSL certificate that CA Gateway will use to authenticate enrollment operations with the ECS-managed CA.
Generating the key pair
Generate the key pair.
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
Generating the certificate signing request
Generate the certificate signing request.
openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem
When requested for the Common Name, enter a domain or subdomain verified in your account.
Issuing the certificate
Process the certificate signing request to issue a certificate.
To issue the certificate
- As a Super Admin user, log in to the ECS Portal.
- Navigate to Create > SSL/TLS
- In the create wizard, paste the generated PEM request contents.
- Select one of the following extended key usages:
- Client Authentication
- Client and Server Authentication.
- Complete the wizard steps.
- Navigate to Certificates > Managed Certificates > ECS Certificates.
- Record the Tracking ID value for future use.
- Go to Actions > Pickup.
- Type the password, if required.
- Select the WS_FTP server type.
- Download a Zip file containing the issued certificate, the certification chain, and the root certificate.
Generating the SSL PKCS#12
Generate a PKCS#12 containing the SSL keys and certificates. For example:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in ServerCertificate.crt -certfile chain.pem -inkey key.pem -out restapi.p12
You will later set this PKCS#12 as either a file path or a base64 encoding. To encode the PKCS#12 in Base64, run:
base64 restapi.p12 -w 0 > restapi.txt
Where the -w 0
option formats the output as one line without line breaks.