Select this subject builder to construct the Subject DN from the Subject Alternative Name provided in the request or CSR. Specifically, this builder:
- Pulls out the SAN as per the order of SAN types preference provided in SAN type order property.
- Uses the first SAN as the subject by filling the provided template. This SAN type can have only one value.
- Gives priority to SAN from the request over the SAN provided in CSR.
This subject builder is useful when subject is not provided in both the request and CSR.
Sample SubAltNameSubjectBuilder
- name: "Use SubAltNameSubjectBuilder"
unique-id: "CA-1003-PROF-1003"
- name: SAN
description: "Subject Alternative Name"
required: true
subject-builder-name: "com.entrust.adminservices.cagw.common.subjects.SubAltNameSubjectBuilder"
template: "cn=<SAN>,ou=CA01,o=pki,test,dc=com"
san-type-order: dNSName,iPAddress,registeredID,rfc822Name,uniformResourceIdentifier
Sample subject variables
"subjectVariables" : [
"type" : "Subject Alternative Name",
"value" : "SAN"
"subjectAltNames" : [ {
"type" : "dNSName",
"value" : "cagw.test"
} ]
Subject DN generated by the sample builder when parsing the sample variables