Entrust provides an InstallEnrollmentService.ps1 PowerShell script that allows you to create, edit, and remove enrollment services in Active Directory. The script also allows you to remove enrollment services from Active Directory.

You should remove an enrollment service only when you will no longer use that enrollment service with Certificate Enrollment Gateway.

To run the script, you must use a Windows user account with Domain Admin and Enterprise Admin permissions.

To update the enrollment URLs for an enrollment service using the InstallEnrollmentService.ps1 script

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell window. Select Start > Windows PowerShell, then right-click Windows PowerShell > Run as administrator.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the PowerShell scripts.
  3. Enter the following command to run the InstallEnrollmentService.ps1 script:


    The script validates the pre-requisites and installs any missing Windows packages or features. For example:

    The PowerShell script was tested on specific versions of PowerShell. When validating the prerequisites, the PowerShell version my be listed as Unverified, an "Unverified" version of PowerShell indicates that the script was not tested on that version of PowerShell. You can still use the script on an "Unverified" version of PowerShell.

    Validating pre-requisites:
    Script-Mode: Windows
    Script Version:
    - Member of Domain: Verified
    - Domain Admins privileges: Verified
    - Enterprise Admins privileges: Verified
    - Windows Version: Verified (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0)
    - PowerShell Version: Verified (5.1.17763.2931)
    Validating ldifde is installed.
    ldifde.exe is installed.
    Validating Windows Feature RSAT-ADCS-Mgmt is installed
    Installing RSAT-ADCS-Mgmt
  4. The script prompts you to select a management option:

    Entrust Enrollment Service PowerShell
    Using this PowerShell script, Enrollments servers can be created, removed
    and Edited.
    Please select from the following options to continue :
    [N] New Service [E] Edit Service [Q] Quit [?] Help (default is "N"):

    Enter E to edit an existing enrollment service.

  5. If more than one enrollment service is defined in Active Directory, the script displays the list of enrollment services and asks you to select one of the enrollment services:

    Select from the following List of defined Enrollment Services :
    Index Enrollment Service Name
    ----- -----------------------
    2 Entrust WSTEP
    Please select the Index to select an Enrollment Service. 0 to quit.:

    Enter the number associated with the enrollment service you want to edit. If only one enrollment service exists, that service is automatically selected by the script.

  6. The script displays the currently-selected enrollment service, and prompts you to choose from a list of options:

    Currently Selected Enrollment Service : Entrust WSTEP
    Choose from the following Options:
    [E] Edit [R] Remove [P] Previous [?] Help (default is "E"):

    Enter R to remove the selected enrollment service.

  7. The script asks you to confirm the operation:

    Removing Enrollment Service : CEG WSTEP
    Are you sure you want to delete this Enrollment Service(y/n)?:
    • To confirm that you want to delete the enrollment service, enter y. The script deletes the enrollment service from Active Directory.

    • To cancel the operation and return to the previous menu, enter n.
  8. To exit the script after removing the enrollment service:
    1. Keep entering P to return to a previous menu until you return to the main menu:

      Entrust Enrollment Service PowerShell
      Using this PowerShell script, Enrollments servers can be created, removed
      and Edited.
      Please select from the following options to continue :
      [N] New Service [E] Edit Service [Q] Quit [?] Help (default is "N"):
    2. Enter Q to exit the script.