Certificate Hub throws the following certificate errors.
Code | Message |
ERR_1426 | Renewal failed. Missing certificate id. |
ERR_1427 | Failed auto renewal for certificate |
ERR_1428 | Automated renewal failed for certificate |
ERR_1430 | Automated renewal failed for certificate |
ERR_1431 | Failed to find the renewal daemon user for auto renewal |
ERR_1432 | Failed to create the renewal schedule for cert |
ERR_1433 | Failed to check the renewal schedule |
ERR_1434 | Failed to create the renewal schedule |
ERR_1435 | Adding definition for custom field with duplicate display order : |
ERR_1436 | Deleting definition for custom field with Id : |
ERR_1437 | Updating definition for custom field with duplicate display order : |
ERR_1438 | Updating definition for custom field with Id : |
ERR_1439 | Updating definition for custom field with duplicate display order : |
ERR_1440 | Other certificate custom field definitions exists with same display order |
ERR_1441 | Updating definition for custom field with Id : |
ERR_1442 | Error parsing the value |
ERR_1443 | Unsupported Operator |
ERR_1450 | Could not unarchive certificate because entitlement limit reached. |
ERR_1452 | Error response from CAGW |
ERR_1453 | Error exporting a certificate: |
ERR_1454 | Failed to parse certificate |
ERR_1455 | Certificate Chain is not available for export |
ERR_1456 | Error while exporting certificate: |
ERR_1457 | Error saving chain to keystore for export of : |
ERR_1458 | Error adding P12 to response stream |
ERR_1459 | Unable to parse response from CAGW to export certificate for : |
ERR_1460 | Certificate can not be exported since the issuing Authority is not known |
ERR_1461 | Certificate Authority not found |
ERR_1462 | Error adding P12 to response stream |
ERR_1463 | Unexpected response received from CAGW when exporting a certificate |
ERR_1464 | Internal error contacting CAGW |
ERR_1465 | Failed to export certificate for |
ERR_1466 | Failed to export certificate for |
ERR_1467 | Unable to parse response from CAGW to export certificate for : |
ERR_1468 | Export private key is not supported for export type |
ERR_1469 | Export certificate chain is not supported for export type |
ERR_1470 | Public certificate must be requested for export type |
ERR_1471 | At least one of public certificate, certificate chain or private key must be requested for export type |
ERR_1472 | At least one of public certificate, certificate chain or private key must be requested for export type |
ERR_1473 | Unable to revoke the authority |
ERR_1474 | Unable to unhold the authority |
ERR_1477 | Error building certificate query with filter : |
ERR_1478 | Error fetching certificates with predicate : |
ERR_1479 | Certificate Bulk Edit Error: 'certificatesFilter' missing from request body |
ERR_1480 | Certificate Bulk Edit Error: If 'clearOutAccessTags' is set, 'accessTags' must be empty. |
ERR_1481 | Certificate Bulk Edit Error: No updated values provided |
ERR_1482 | Certificate Bulk Edit Error building certificate query with filter : |
ERR_1483 | Certificate Bulk Edit Error building certificate query with filter : |
ERR_1484 | Certificate Bulk Edit Error updating certificates with filter : |
ERR_1486 | Certificate unhold error : Could not find certificate with id: |
ERR_1487 | Certificate unhold error : No Authority Id associated with this certificate: |
ERR_1488 | Certificate unhold error : Cannot unhold certificate |
ERR_1489 | Certificate unhold error : Cannot unhold certificate |
ERR_1490 | Issue certificate error : Subject DN is required for CSR. |
ERR_1491 | Issue certificate error : CAGW failed to create certificate for authority |
ERR_1492 | Issue certificate error : CAGW Failed to create certificate: |
ERR_1493 | Issue certificate error : Subject DN is required for CSR. |
ERR_1494 | Issue certificate error : Subject DN is required for CSR. |
ERR_1495 | Issue certificate error : Subject DN is required for CSR. |
ERR_1496 | Issue certificate error : Subject DN is required for CSR. |
ERR_1497 | Failed to save certificate: |
ERR_1498 | Failed to upload certificate to the key manager |
ERR_1499 | Certificate revoke error : No Authority Id associated with this certificate. |
ERR_1500 | Certificate revoke error : Cannot revoke certificate |
ERR_1501 | Certificate revoke error : Cannot revoke certificate |
ERR_1502 | Failed to apply service-level filters on query |
ERR_1503 | Failed to apply service-level filters on query |
ERR_1504 | Failed to apply service-level filters on query |
ERR_1505 | Could not find certificate with id |
ERR_1506 | Could not find certificate with id |
ERR_1508 | Failed to issue a certificate from authority |
ERR_1509 | Failed to parse the X509 certificate |
ERR_1510 | Unable to find certificate |
ERR_1511 | Failed to process the certificate |
ERR_1512 | Failed to process the certificate |
ERR_1513 | Failed to apply service-level filters on query |
ERR_1514 | Failed to run the certificate count query: |
ERR_1521 | Error verifying source config |
ERR_1522 | Error verifying source config for plugin |
ERR_1523 | addOrUpdateSource: Error converting plugin options to Json string from list |
ERR_1524 | Error scheduling source sync, sources will not ne scanned! |
ERR_1525 | Error creating certificate from certficate request |
ERR_1526 | Failed to send new external certificate request notification to approver(s). Error : |
ERR_1527 | Failed to send external certificate request cancellation notification to requestor. Error : |
ERR_1528 | Failed to send certificate request approval notification to requestor. Error : |
ERR_1529 | Failed to send certificate request rejection notification to requestor. Error : |
ERR_1530 | Failed to send new certificate request notification to internal requestor. Error : |
ERR_1531 | Failed to send new internal certificate request notification to approver(s). Error : |
ERR_1533 | Failed to send new certificate request notification to external requestor. Error: |
ERR_1534 | CSR key algorithm |
ERR_1536 | CSR key algorithm keysize |
ERR_1537 | Invalid certificate signing request provided |
ERR_1540 | Failed to send new certificate request notification to external requestor. SMTP Notification Plugin not found |
ERR_1541 | Failed to send certificate request cancellation notification to external requestor. SMTP Notification Plugin not found |
ERR_1542 | Failed to send new external certificate request notification to approver(s). SMTP Notification Plugin not found |
ERR_1543 | Failed to send new certificate request notification to certhub admin. SMTP Notification Plugin not found |
ERR_1544 | Failed to send new internal certificate request notification to approver(s). SMTP Notification Plugin not found |
ERR_1545 | Failed to send notification for certificate request cancellation. SMTP Notification Plugin not found |
ERR_1546 | Failed to send notification for certificate request approval. SMTP Notification Plugin not found |
ERR_2010 | Found invalid certificate with name |
ERR_2011 | Unexpected exception while processing certificate. |
ERR_2012 | Error processing certificate. |
ERR_2013 | Error creating certificate factory. |
ERR_2015 | Failed to parse certificate |